Othello: "She's like a liar gone to burning Hell./ 'Twas I that killed her."
Emilia: "Oh, the more angel she,/ And you the blacker devil!" V.ii.128-130
This play certainly lives up to the title of drama seeing as all the characters made their encounters as dramatic as possible. I know that they need to be dramatic for effect, but their behavior seemed over the top. To me, many of the characters were weak and easily manipulated. Roderigo had some obsession with Desdemona and fell apart when she did not return his love. Since she did not pay much attention to him anyway, Roderigo should have taken the hint and calmed down. Instead he paid Iago to carry out this complex plan to get him Desdemona and went along with whatever Iago suggested. Othello was just as easily controlled, believing "honest" Iago and his flimsy proof of his wife's affair. I do not understand how everyone thought Othello was so even tempered and logical, but then he quickly transformed into a crazy jealous husband. I thought he would be able to see through or at least question Iago, but Othello blindly believed him. Desdemona and Cassio unknowingly contributed to their own downfall. The only character I was drawn to was Emilia; I liked her progression from a quiet, obedient wife to a fiercely loyal friend.
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