Cassio: "Welcome, mistress. Let it not gall your patience, good Iago/ That I extend my manners. 'Tis my breeding/ That gives me this bold show of courtesy." II.i.96-99
During the second act, more characters are introduced, and foil characters are made known. Iago's main foil character is Cassio, his rival and the current lieutenant. While Iago is rude to women, conniving, and manipulative, Cassio is respectful, gallant, and a gentleman. These characters with opposite personalities are pitted against one another as Iago tries to obtain Cassio's position through manipulation and deceit. Roderigo is also a foil character to Cassio since Roderigo is a weak man, relying on Iago to solve his problems. With Iago offering him guidance, Roderigo commits acts of deceit as well to further Iago's plans. Iago and Roderigo, the manipulative characters, contrast with Othello and Cassio, the respected and valiant characters. Even though Roderigo works against the other characters, Iago is also controlling him. Through character interaction and dialogue, themes of jealousy, love, and power are introduced. These act as strong motivations to characters like Iago, Roderigo, Othello, and Cassio.
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