Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Worn Path

"'Tell us quickly about your grandson, and get it over. He isn't dead, is he?' At last there came a flicker and then a flame of comprehension across her face, and she spoke. 'My grandson. It was my memory had left me. There I sat and forgot why I made my long trip.'"

Phoenix is an interesting character, making a long, difficult journey in order to get medicine and a toy for her grandson. Many obstacles slowed her journey, but she kept walking, slowly getting closer to town. She gets around the obstacles and interacts with people in unique ways. She asks a complete stranger to tie her shoe, even though the woman had a handful of boxes. When a hunter points a gun at her, she never blinks and tells the man that bullets have come closer to her before. She then steals a nickel from the man, saving it to buy her grandson a paper windmill. In addition to dealing with these strangers, she moves around natural obstacles at her slow pace, eventually moving closer to goal. She must also deal with her old age and her memory loss which almost causes her to forget her purpose. Based on her age and memory, I thought that her grandson could be dead. She mentions how he sits there with his blanket with his mouth open, and I thought that she could have forgotten that he died. She may not have wanted to accept his death because she loves him so much. Her intense love for her grandson is the theme; her love knows no bounds, allowing her to routinely make the journey.

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