"Linda had been a slave, Linda had died; others should live in freedom, and the world be made beautiful. A reparation, a duty. And suddenly it was luminously clear to the Savage what he must do; it was as though a shutter had been opened, a curtain drawn back" (210).
John's motivation to change the modern society was revealed shortly after Linda's death while he was in the midst of a soma distribution. John's sudden clarity about his purpose probably was fueled by his loss of Linda, caused by society and aided by soma. John, being decent and loving, felt he must help others escape the society that had failed Linda, and those people must not suffer Linda's fate. Since he could not save Linda, John must save the rest of the people trapped by society and reliant on poison. The purpose of John's motivation is to further the theme that this utopia is far from perfect. In fact, the people are enslaved in this utopia. John was motivated by Linda's demise to make the world beautiful and offer people freedom. If this was truly a utopia, such actions would not be necessary. John felt that his duty was to fix this "perfect" society, to free the "happy" people. The author effectively showed that a utopia can never exist, for a society will always have flaws. John wanted to open the people's eyes to this truth.
i need linda motivation?